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Moorpark High School

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Athletic Clearance Process

Athletic Clearance

Athletic Clearance Process

Anyone interested in participating in a sport for the 2024-25 School-Year needs to complete the following steps before trying out or practicing

  1. Complete the online clearance at for the 2024-2025 School Year.
  2. Instructions for completing the online clearance.
  3. Download and print the Athletic Medical Form.
  4. Have your doctor fill out the Athletic Medical Form at your physical appointment.
  5. Upload the completed Athletic Medical Form to your account.
  6. Print confirmation page of Athletic Clearance process and sign the form.
  7. Scan or take an image of the signed confirmation form.
  8. Email the completed Medical Clearance Form and signed confirmation page image to

Additional forms

Private Vehicle Permission Form (Permission form for transporting students in privately-owned vehicles)